X-Cops Are Back! Announcing the XCAB EP
By GWAR Store

X-COPS Return to Disturb the Peace with New EP 'XCAB' due out June 24th via Pit Records
X-COPS are back! After 25 years on the lam, the original Bad Boys of Law Enforcement have returned, bringing their unique brand of heavy metal with them. The world has never been more in need of the message they bring: “Respect authority, or else!”, and they have the riffs and the firepower to back it up!
Get Limited Edition, Etched Vinyl, CDs and New Merch Here!
Rumors about the identities of these uniformed thugs are rampant, with some even going as far as to say that they are made up of members of such legendary bands as GWAR, Rigor Mortis, and Darkest Hour, but the truth is they are actually former police officers who have banded together to beat the world into submission, force feed the public their own brand of Justice, and spread the word that All Cops Are Beautiful!
Download or stream Light 'Em Up Here!
Commenting on the new release, Sheriff Tub Tucker had this to say, “Listen up you degenerate punks! X-COPS are back on the streets with a new e.p. coming to disturb your peace! 5 armor-piercing tracks, locked and loaded and aimed directly between your eyes. This slab of police brutality features the single 'Light ‘Em Up', a little tale of how the fire that burned down the Branch Davidians in Waco, TX really started! Spoiler: it was us!”
Watch the video for Light 'Em Up Here!
X-Cops On Tour with CKY & Crobot
May 03: Orlando, FL - Beacham Theatre - TICKETS
May 05: Charleston, SC - Music Farm - TICKETS
May 06: Atlanta, GA - Masquerade Hell - TICKETS
May 07: Norfolk, VA - Norva - TICKETS
May 08: Carborro, NC - Cat's Cradle - TICKETS
May 09: Baltimore, MD - Rams Head Live - TICKETS
Headline Dates
May 10: Richmond, VA - Another Round